
Official Human Music Video OUT NOW!

The future is human and the future is now! Our official music video for ‘Human’ just premiered! Thank you to Substream Magazine for the premiere and super kind words!

Thank you to Escape Plan Films for bringing our vision to life! Thank you to We are Team Hans for your unending support and love and for keeping this ship afloat! Thank you to Effective Immediately PR for all your hard work and for fighting the good fight for us. Thank you to Joy at The MOB Agency for keeping us working! Thank you to Lonely Child for getting us and this stellar production! Thank you to CEN for the smooth release and love! Thank you to Casey Holder for capturing every moment of this.

Thank you to our friends for coming through! And thank you to Honey St. Claire for inspiring us and being a fully evolved Human! This was a HUMAN effort! No one does anything great alone. We are so grateful. Now go watch and SHARE!